Sunday, May 16, 2010

Roasted Potatoes for Breakfast

Sometimes I feel like a greasy spoon breakfast but don't feel like playing short order cook over the stove or griddle. So, instead of hash browns or home fries, I make roasted potatoes. I promise that with enough olive oil they are just as greasy and crunchy as those cooked in a skillet. While the potatoes are cooking I can make the coffee, eggs, toast and maybe some veggie sausage.

Mia and Papa dug up the potatoes a few days ago at Papa's garden. Homegrown potatoes have so much more flavor than the store bought variety. If you haven't tried homegrown potatoes, you're missing out.

Eevy loves to check on the chickens. I can hardly wait until we have some at our house.

Here's some of Papa's lovely Siberian Kale.

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